Tuesday, July 7, 2015

.I'm not JUST a mum.

You know that question?
'What do you do for a living?'
My answer, without fail, every time:

Ohhhh, I'm just a Mum.

Like it's an unimportant job!??

Nah mate, fuck that.... I carried humans inside my body; like, actually grew them. Yeah sure, my husband helped but he had the fun job of jizz, but WE do all the hard work! 

A mother's job is the MOST important job in the world. A newborn is helpless without the nurture of its Mum. They need us to survive. So then why do I add 'just' in front of the most important job title I will ever accomplish? 

I do: over time, fix boo-boos (real and imaginary), wipe away tears, cheer for them; I am their biggest fan. I do the school run, say yes to play dates at 4pm when I should be prepping dinner; I cook, clean, wash clothes..... I do everything. I don't get paid and sometimes yes, it's depressing but I feel more needed than I ever will. 

Our babies need us. And they need us to be well! Never be afraid to ask for help. I was, I never used to ask for help. I wanted to prove that I was supermum. And for what? Then I had my son (satan) and I burnt out. I cried a lot; and I started sinking. It's only recently that I have felt better, mentally. 

He's still an asshole though
 This happens on the regular.

But at least he's not up all night, right?
He's a different kind of hard at age 2.

I AM A MOTHER! I am proud. I am NOT 'just a mum'; I AM A MUM. 

Being a Mum is the hardest, most emotionally draining job on the planet. I can't complain to HR because my son threw a skateboard at me; I have to cop it sweet (and kick his ass). I can't have a normal conversation to my daughter because she treats me like a piece of shit, I have to cop it sweet and drink a shit tonne of wine to survive my life. 

I'm just thankful I have an amazing husband who just brought me 2 BOTTLES OF PINOT! Woop woop!

This is a small snippet of my life. It will not last forever and when people say they feel for me, I say 'but it doesn't last forever'.... It's all gonna be ok.

You, me + 3

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