Wednesday, May 6, 2015

.mummy abuse.

Tonight, I write to you from my kitchen floor, tears rolling down my face, clutching my wine, wondering why my children hate me.

Being a Mum is hard - I've said that time and time again, but I'd actually like to give you an insight into my life. 

Just today, I have been kicked multiple times, bitten multiple times, hit multiple times, I've even been called an aray names including 'stupid idiot' and 'idiot meany'. It's debilitating, mainly because my vagina was cut open so they could breathe life. And that hurts..... It hurts mentally and physically and sometimes I could actually run away. We cope however we can -  usually on Coffee and/or wine. Please, no judgement...

I understand how much I used to hurt my Mother, and now that hurts me. And she DIDN'T EVEN DRINK WINE!!! I was a bitch!!! But don't worry, karma got me good... (Sorry Murray)

Nowadays, I do EVERYTHING wrong, I am a terrible Mother and I NEVER DO ANYTHING RIGHT!!! But I know one day, they'll genuinely appreciate everything I've done for them...

I am very lucky I have a husband who loves me and supports me when the kids are giving me a hard time. He even bought me a case of wine - I think I'll keep him.... I honestly don't know how single parents do it...? If I didn't have that support, I'd be lost! Power to single parents, you are stronger than thou.

I know that seasons come and go and with the devastation that has happened in Nepal, I am thankful that my kids are safe and alive in their beds. I am also thankful that I was able to have kids. I NEVER take it for granted. Yes, it is hard but I would change NOTHING!

Mums of the world, I'm here to listen. It's going to be ok! Yes, sometimes life sucks big hairy balls, but we are the best person for the job. Remember that! Happy Mother's Day! 

Peace and love to all

You, me + 3

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