Wednesday, April 8, 2015

.mum shaming - stop it.

As Mums, we can't get anything right. We get critisized for absolutely everything and I always felt so judged but recently, I decided to stop giving a fuck. 

I stopped giving a fuck because I realised that I parent my kids for other Mums. 

Sometimes, my kids wanna throw bark on the slide. Ya know what? I don't care if bark is on the slide. That other Mum does, so I regretfully tell my child to 'stop putting bark on the slide' and brush all the bark away. FOR WHAT? So that her 'perfect kid' could maybe eventually slide down that magical, clean slide without getting an ounce of dirt on her? How fucking boring? I take my kids to the park to have fun, do whatever the fuck they can't do at home, but most importantly - to get dirty. A dirty kid is a happy kid. Today, my son played in a puddle of mud and he enjoyed it! 

AND, I let him. You wanna why? Because YOLO - you're only little once :)

Being an adult is shit sometimes and responsibility sucks. I just paid off my car loan last month and although it was very rewarding, I felt old and shitty. I just wanted to be a kid again and play Rambo in the muddy water. I actually wish I joined my son in the mud today. 

Sometimes they just want to play in mud. They don't give a flying fuck about some new fandangle toy you spent 78 bucks on, they want mud and mess and everything they're not allowed. Because THEY'RE KIDS. 

Today, I witnessed a dose of Mum shaming, and boy is it an ugly sight. I saw a child crying for his Mumma today. He was still inside the park enclosure and she had briefly gone outside to breast feed her baby on a picnic blanket. The park was seriously nuts and a million kids were everywhere. So, this Mum was outside the park, casually chatting with a friend while feeding her third child. Unbeknownst to her, her middle child was crying for her. Not really at an age to talk, we tried to ask where his Mum was.

It had barely been a couple of minutes when I started hearing some Mums making snide comments to the nature of 'you'd think she'd notice if her kid was missing' and so on..

Now, maybe I'm sensitive because she's part of the 'three kid crew' and she was relatively new to it, but I felt really sorry for her. These Mums, who had no idea about who she was as a human being, were making shitty comments about her parenting, behind her back. 

I ended up going up to her as we left and gave her the 'I've got 3 kids too, I get it' talk. 
Nobody needs to feel more shitty than they already do !! Don't comment or judge, leave other Mums the fuck alone. 

If you have a shitty, negative comment about another Mum; write it down on a piece of paper, roll it up, shove it up your butt, shit it out and flush it..... No one wants to hear that shit (yes, oh God yes... Pun intended)

If you have encouraging words, by all means, tell that Mum!!!

You, me + 3

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