Saturday, April 11, 2015

.the loneliness of a stay at home mum.

I became a stay at home Mum 5 years 5 months and 26 days ago.... Not that I'm counting. I had a small stint of going back to work but my eldest got sick so we thought I should stay home and just - wait for it - HAVE ANOTHER BABY... wtf were we thinking? (Youngest child, if you ever read this, we love you)

It's a tough slog. We don't get much adult interaction during the day and when our husbands do get home, we're desperate to run out that door and never fucking return! But we don't. Mainly because I'd be too poor to survive without his income. 

We're a team. As 1950's as it sounds, I do have to agree, to an extent. He makes  us money while I look after the kids/house. I'm not saying I do a GOOD job of it, but I do it. Do I love it? Hell no! It fucking sucks! 

I am totes jealous of my husband being able to escape this mad house everyday while I battle our spawn of satan to JUST GET DRESSED. As much as you may think that stay at home mums just get mani/pedis, go to the beach and check Facebook all day (ok, the last one is true), it's so much more than that.

Before 9am, I have to do a lot of shit. I wrote it all down but it's boring as fuck. Just know that it's a lot. 

Husband: gets up, goes to get me coffee (winning), has shower, gets dressed, goes to work.


And I'm never mad at him, just jealous. But you know what? He's probably jealous that I get to spend time (yell at) his kids all day. I got to see all three kids first words, first steps, first sports carnival. As much as I love it, it's lonely as fuck.

Why do you think Mums love wine? It helps us forget about our shitty parenting we performed that day and tomorrow is a new day - we can think about being a shitty parent then. I'm 2 glasses deep of Pinot already! Wine is actually my best friend at the moment. I haven't seen my husband all week (all good, he earned us fuck loads of money) but wine, wine is here for me every night. I talk to my Pinot and damn it, he listens. AND he doesn't talk back. I love him.

My point is, it's lonely.... But I deal with it. I have a little bitch about it every now and again and I have awesome girlfriends to talk to. I know that this time of my life is temporary and one day I'll miss my kids. Just kidding, I'll be sipping margaritas on a well deserved fucking cruise! 

And that's how I conquer my loneliness, by knowing one day I'll be on a cruise.

Peace and love to all

You, me + 3

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