Monday, April 6, 2015

.these are not the best days of my life.

A little while ago, a good friend of mine wrote a post very similar to what I'm about to write about (sorry Lyns). But I decided to put my own spin on it.

I have a great life; I live at the beach, so close in fact, I can smell, hear and see the ocean from my bedroom. 

I have an awesome husband who loves me, and I him. We have 3 awesome children, which we conceived naturally, had no miscarriages and I birthed them all out my vag. Sounds beautiful, right?? 

Then why the fuck do I hate life sometimes? 

When people tell me to 'cherish these years', I seriously want to headbutt them. 'They won't be this little forever'. Well thank fuck for that! Do you know how many times a day I have to stick my arm in a fucking toilet? Or watch my son bathe himself and drink toilet water...? I can't WAIT for him to grow out of that! 

I can't wait to buy nice things again and to decorate my house how I want and not have EVERYTHING broken in 5 minutes. 

I can't wait for my oven to not look like this:

Locks everywhere and he STILL works out how to open the fucking thing!!!

Every cupboard in my kitchen has a lock on it. Do you how time consuming it is to unlock and lock it back when you're trying to cook dinner? I'm going to have an extra 3 hours a week to MYSELF when I get rid of those damn locks!

I can't wait for my son to grow out of the throwing every clean towel in the shower game. I wash a load of towels every day and do you think we ever have ANY clean ones? I had to dry myself with a fucking face washer the other day because I gave up.

I can't wait for the days when I tidy my house and it STAYS tidy. My poor husband comes home every night and it looks like a bomb has hit the place... Cleaning the house with 3 kids in it is like brushing your teeth whilst eating an Oreo. Doesn't matter how much you brush, they'll still be covered in Oreos. 

I can't wait for my kids to be able to wipe their asses and wash their own butts! I'm sure my neighbours are delighted to hear me call out 'don't forget to clean your fanny and your bum' Every. Damn. Morning. 

I can't wait to have legs not covered by scratches and bruises. My husband commented on the state of my legs last night, he told me I look like I've been abused. I HAVE BEEN, BY YOUR CHILDREN!!! 

I also currently have 3 bite marks on my stomach.

Some days, are seriously awesome! But other days, I honestly consider driving off a cliff. 

If these are the best days of my life, then I'm done with life!! 
Really? The best days?

My best days are spent smelling like I haven't showered for 24 hours?
My best days are spent being told I'm stupid for telling my kids they can't have cake for breakfast?

Doubt it!!!

These are NOT my best days. 

But it's ok!  

My kids mean the world to me and it is NOT the end of the world to feel like crap. I know my life will be less hectic as time goes on.
But one day I will miss those mornings that my kids wake me up by head butting me. I'll miss the hectic noise in my house.
And most of all, I'll miss my kids. 

I know they all grow up and move out at some stage and I promise to cherish these moments :)

You, me + 3

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